Most women experience breast pain at some point in their lives, and this could be due to various reasons, of which the most common is breast pain during ovulation. This occurs due to the change in hormones during the menstrual cycle.
It can get very uncomfortable when your breasts are sore and hurtful between the ovulation and menstrual phase of your cycle. This common condition is commonly referred to as cyclical mastalgia, and if you’re not familiar with the condition, you might be alarmed or worried about it, but it is okay! It is normal and pretty common to have tender breasts after ovulation.
The following content will explain the causes, symptoms, home remedies, and pretty much-needed information regarding breast soreness during ovulation.
Breast Soreness as a Sign of Ovulation.
As a sign of ovulation, breast soreness is less common than the other signs, such as the change in basal body temperature and changes in cervical fluid. During ovulation, there are several changes in hormone levels which is exhibited by physical symptoms. One of these is breast soreness and breast pain. If you feel like your breasts are slightly heavier and sore, you’re probably ovulating.
What Causes Tender Breasts after Ovulation?
The two major hormones that influence the menstrual cycle are estrogen and progesterone, and a surge in progesterone production causes the soreness of breasts. As each day passes after ovulation, progesterone production increases and the soreness of the breasts can act as a good indicator of ovulation.
As progesterone levels increase, water is retained in the body for the preparation of the uterus for a possible pregnancy. This water retention may also cause swelling in other body parts, explaining the swelling of breasts. The retained water is stored in the breast tissues, stretching them, causing them to be tender and ache.
The intensity and severity of pain are directly proportional to the concentration of the progesterone produced. As everybody and every woman are different, progesterone production depends on person to person; hence, some women may experience more pain than others.
Some causes of breast soreness after ovulation based on researches are as follows:
- Prolactin hormones abnormality
- Severe stress leads to hormonal imbalance.
- Change in hormonal levels such as that of estrogen and progesterone.
What are the Symptoms?
As described earlier, everybody is different and produces progesterone is different levels. Some may have more breast pain than others. Other signs and symptoms of ovulation in reference to breast changes are as follows:
- Underarms sensitivity
- Swelling of the breasts
- Dull pain in the breasts
- Sensitive nipples
- Pain in one or both and around nipples
Treatment and Home Remedies for Tender Breasts after Ovulation
The treatment for sore breasts is suggested depending on the severity of the condition. The following are recommended in case of immediate pain relief.
- Supportive and comfortable bra use
- Use of anti-inflammatory medication
- Avoiding consumption of coffee or caffeinated drinks around the time of ovulation
For long-term treatments, your doctor might suggest the following:
- Prescription or change of your birth control methods
- Hormone therapy
- Pain relieving medication prescription
If you feel too much uncomfortable with breast pain, you should consult a physician. We have a list of some home remedies and treatments that can help you ease the pain and soreness to a considerable extent.
- All the undergarments should be changed, and go for bras that you find comfortable and would also support your breasts.
- Ice cubes or a cold press could be used to relieve the pain. Wrap the ice cubes in a towel, apply to the painful area for about 5-10 mins, and repeat the procedure three times daily. This is one of the most effective ways of pain relief.
- Since water is retained during ovulation due to the progesterone surge, salt intake should be reduced at that too retains water. The less you take the salt, the less water will be retained in the body and hence less breast soreness.
- Keep your body active and avoid fats. Go for carbohydrates and low-fat foods.
- Fiber-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables and fruits, should be consumed, which would regulate hormonal production and ease the tenderness and soreness of breasts.
- Massage with the use of essential oils can help ease the swelling of the breasts and bring about relief from pain. Sweet almond oil would be a good choice as it would also maintain the breast texture.
Other Signs of Ovulation:
Other signs of ovulation include the following:
Change in Cervical Mucus:
It is one of the most prominent and evident signs of ovulation and is caused due to estrogen surge. The changes occur in order to help the body achieve a pregnancy and prevent any possible infection. The changes would be as follows:
- It appears transparent, and discharge increases with a slippery texture before ovulation.
- During ovulation, the mucus viscosity increases and thickens like egg white.
- Post ovulation, the amount of discharge decreases and appears cloudy.
Increase in Basal Body Temperature:
The basal body temperature usually rises post-ovulation, which could indicate whether you’ve ovulated. The average body temperature is 97 °F before ovulation and 97.6-98.6 °F in the luteal phase.
Increased Sex Drive:
The increased sex drive around the time of ovulation is a way of the body indicating the ideal time to conceive and get pregnant. The reason for this increase in sex drive is the increase in estrogen levels. Additionally, during this time, you would also feel more joyful and active.
How long does the Soreness Last?
One of the most commonly asked questions is how long the soreness last usually and the thought would have crossed your mind several times as your breasts ache. The hormone levels and the pain intensity varies person to person and body to body. Some women might experience pain during ovulation and throughout until the period begins. This is due to the drop in hormone levels once period flow starts.
Pregnancy and Breast Pain:
Among many other signs of pregnancy, breast pain is also a sign of early pregnancy. It is difficult to distinguish between the two types, but you can take a pregnancy test after your first missed period to confirm your situation. Even in pregnancy, the breast pain you experience is due to the change in hormone levels.
What are the Other Causes of Breast Pain other than Ovulation?
There are many other potential causes of breast brain that you experience. If you feel like the pain is unusual or something is wrong, you should consult your doctor to diagnose an underlying cause. Some of the other causes of breast pain are as follows:
- Skin conditions (eczema)
- Pregnancy
- Breast cancer
- Breast infection
- Breastfeeding
- Tight bras that could be uncomfortable
- Some certain medications
- Fibroadenomas, fibrocystic breasts, cysts
If the intensity of your breast is too much or unbearable, it is better to consult a doctor on time for a clear diagnosis and proper advice. There are many reasons why your breasts may be achy.
The Bottomline:
Having tender, swollen and painful breasts is common during ovulation and can indicate what phase you’re having of your menstrual cycle. It can help you keep track of your cycle and allow you to detect the days when you should try to get pregnant.
You should maintain a healthy diet and keep your body active as it would keep your body healthy. Also, drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated and avoid salt intake to avoid water retention in the body, as it would cause breast swelling and, ultimately, pain and soreness.