At times you might notice a little stain on your underwear or bottoms and the first thing that comes to your mind is that if you’ve started your period early but then again, you also see that its just light pinkish spotting and not heavy bleeding as your usual periods. This could get you worried over what might be happening or what might be the reason but don’t worry! Its okay and its normal. There are many reasons as to why spotting might occur mid-cycle. The article would discuss about mid-cycle spotting and the reasons for its occurrence.
Mid-Cycle Spotting
Abnormal bleeding that occurs during your cycle is referred as mid-cycle spotting and usually appears in pink or light red color. Other terms used for mid cycle spotting are intermenstrual bleeding, abnormal uterine bleeding and metrorrhagia. The most prominent difference between menstrual bleeding and mid cycle bleeding is the difference in color.
Where menstrual bleeding appears as bright red or dark red, mid cycle spotting would appear as pink or light red. Another difference is the difference in flow, you would notice that menstrual bleeding is heavy and in larger amount where as spotting occurs in very less with minimal flow. Keep in mind that menstrual bleeding would last for about 5-6 days and spotting could last only a few hours.
What are the Causes of Mid cycle Spotting?
When you’re trying to get pregnant, appearance of blood on your underwear could be disappointing. However, you should educate yourself about such incidences. Occurrence of spotting is quite common and can be due to a number of reasons. Some reasons may not be something to worry about where in some situations, you might need immediate medical attention.
Observe yourself and look for signs and symptoms as to what might be the reason for your spotting. If anything seems wrong, talk to your doctor and inform them for proper diagnosis. Although the reason for your spotting may not be something you worry about, you should still consider talking to a doctor once to be on a safe side. Some causes of mid cycle bleeding are as follows:
Implantation Bleeding:
If you’re trying to get pregnant and you observe some slight spotting, this could be good news. Spotting also occurs due to implantation. When an embryo embeds itself in the uterine lining, there is a chance of implantation bleeding. Approximately 1/3 of women experience this among other signs of early pregnancy. It is quite common and is not harmful for the baby at all.
This spotting usually occurs once you conceive and would be before your usual periods. This kind of spotting can appear as light pink or brown. Although there could be a number of reasons for spotting, but if you’re experiencing it along with other signs and symptoms of pregnancy, there is a higher chance that you’re probably pregnant. After you miss your first period, you should take a pregnancy test as hCG production would have started by then and easy to detect.
Ovulation Spotting:
Have you heard of ovulation spotting? Spotting can also occur when its your peak fertile time of the month. While you’re ovulating, many hormonal changes occur in the body which can cause slight bleeding. This kind of spotting usually lasts about a day or two, and if this symptom aligns with your ovulating days along with other symptoms of ovulation, take note as you would have the highest probability to conceive in these days. Some other signs and symptoms of ovulation are as follows:
- Bloating
- Increase viscosity and amount of cervical fluid
- Slight increase in basal body temperature
- Increase in sex drive
- Tender breasts
- Heightened sense of smell, taste and vision
- Pain on one side of abdomen
- Cervix becomes firm
Sexual Intercourse
During the time you ovulate, your cervix becomes firm and sensitive, sexual intercourse during this time period can cause slight damage to the cervix. As a result, slight bleeding or spotting can occur. Hence, after a sexual intercourse you observe slight blood-tinged mucus and don’t worry, its not something to worry about.
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
Spotting or bleeding out of your regular menstrual cycle can also indicate the presence of an STD. it is not very common but the possibility lies and STD’s like chlamydia or gonorrhea can result in spotting. These STDs can prove to be harmful for you as it can also cause pelvic inflammatory disease. To ensure that you’re not suffering from STDs, do consult your doctor as you observe unusual spotting.
Birth Control
There are some sorts of birth control methods that can possibly cause spotting or bleeding. Hormonal contraceptives can cause unusual bleeding hence, consult your doctor and make sure you’re using the correct type medications. IUD birth control devices that are inserted can also cause an injury hence, if you observe spotting although you have an IUD device, ask the doctor to check the placement.
A poor lifestyle can also cause irregular spotting and bleeding. A poor lifestyle would be described as excessive exercise and lack of healthy food in your diet. This is why when you observe spotting, you should consult your doctor and seek medical attention in order to check if there are any medical issues that are causing these irregular spotting.
Hormonal Conditions:
The menstrual cycle is regulated by the hormones and disruption or imbalance in these hormones can cause problems in the regularity of your cycle. This can also result in bleeding, spotting and can cause reproductive health issues such as:
- Luteal phase defects
- Thyroid issues
- Ovarian cysts
- Uterine fibroids
- Polycystic ovaries
- Endometriosis
Its is better to visit a fertility specialist or a gynecologist if you observe spotting along with irregular periods. It would be easier to diagnose the possible underlying conditions and would advice better treatment options accordingly.
Cervical Problems
If one has cervical entropion, it can result in spotting after an intercourse. As the glandular cells that line the cervical opening grow on the surface of the uterus, the fragile glandular cells can cause bleeding. Mid cycle bleeding can also be due to cervical fibroids or cervical cancer thought chances of bleeding with cervical cancer is rare but there is always room for possibility. Get yourself tested or seek professional help if you feel like something might be wrong.
Uterine Fibroids:
The benign growth in the uterus is referred as uterine fibroids and these can occur outside, within the walls or in the uterine cavity. In case if the growth is in the uterine cavity, chances of them causing bleeding or spotting is more. Another reason for mid cycle bleeding could be the development of polyps in uterus or cervix which is also a type of benign growth.
Both of these could be removed surgically or doctors could give better treatment options if you want to preserve your fertility, it is best to discuss these with your doctor.
Rupturing of Ovarian Cysts:
If spotting is observed along with sharp abdominal pain, it is highly likely that you might have ruptured an ovarian cyst. You should visit the emergency as soon as you observe extreme pain with bleeding as it could be a serious condition.
What should you do about Mid cycle Spotting?
It’s the smartphone era and many women keep a track of their menstrual cycle using tracking apps. Along with tracking your menstrual cycle you should also observe and note the additional conditions that you feel. Take a note of:
- When the spotting occurs
- Duration
- Consistency and color
- Amount
- Additional symptoms
The Takeaway:
Occurrence of spotting and slight bleeding out of your regular menstrual cycle is quite common and not really something you should be worried about but to keep yourself on a safe side it is better to consult a doctor and let them know about your current situation.
If you observe spotting in combination with other symptoms of pregnancy, you might as well be pregnant and the easiest way of confirmation is to take a pregnancy test. Apart from that it could occur as an ovulation bleeding which is good as it could indicate your peak fertility days.
If you feel that something is wrong or if you observe spotting along with sharp abdominal pain and nausea, it is better to visit the emergency and get yourself checked before things get out of hands. Make sure you follow a healthy lifestyle and consume a healthy diet consisting of all the essential nutrients that your body needs. As said, prevention is better than cure.